“Teach them to fish and they’ll eat for a lifetime.” This phrase came to mind as we were making preparations for our new offering at New England Tutors – Executive Skills Coaching. “Teach them how to learn” was one of the first concepts we had in mind as we started.

Yes, we have been very successful at tutoring in specific subjects, and for specific examinations. But the idea of creating a method for getting the process of learning down for students became more pressing for us as time went on.

So “learning how to learn” was a prime focus of our attention. We studied Barbara Oakley, a professor of engineering at Oakland University whose course there is called Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects; The Critical Thinking Community; metacognition studies…we even had 19th Century author Henry Brooks Adams’ quote on our wall: “They know enough who know how to learn.”

But then we met Peg Dawson, Ed.D., and all of us sudden we were on a parallel track, one which for our students may be even more important than “learning how to learn”, because it addresses the building blocks that allow learning.

Peg’s work is called Improving Executive Skills to Promote School Success. And through a fortuitous collaboration, we are now presenting this concept, and these techniques, to our students, our tutors, and school personnel with whom we work.

Over the next six months we will be posting blogs that explore this concept to give you some insights into how you can help your child, how you can advocate for your child, and how we might be of assistance as you implement these basic, and, might I say, revolutionary ideas.

While the concept of executive skills or executive functioning is not that new, the work that Peg and New England Tutors are doing is still not second nature to most people. That is what we hope to do over the next half year – show you how this concept can become second nature to you and those you are responsible for.

As always, we welcome your participation, either through blog comments or though other contacts with us. You can help us implement our motto: Success with Every Student.

Want to know more? Interested in the concept? Call us to day to find out more about our Executive Skills Coaching Programs: 844-NETUTOR (844-638-8867).

Free Initial Consultation
At New England Tutors we always start with a free and comprehensive student academic assessment. So send us a message today or call us at (844)-NETUTOR (638-8867).
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Support a Local Charity
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..www.FatBrainToys.com/AotS
Get some great learning toys and support a local charity, Camp CARD NE. Click here…..
March Is Read Across America Month
autism awareness Month
Understanding Executive Skills Deficits
COVID Announcement
Executive Function and Academic Success
Leveraging Resources to Create Educational Success
NE Tutors Testimonial